So as I look back and still feel new in my community, I realized that it's been 8 months since I’ve been in this beautiful town in the middle of the Andes. I guess staying busy and enjoying what I’m doing sure helps time go by fast. Not only that but we are currently the oldest Peace Corps group in Peru. Who knew that not have access to internet or no phone service can make time go by so quickly. We’ve already had 3 other groups train and are currently serving as Peace Corps volunteers. Peru currently holds approximately 160 volunteers and by next year they hope to have over 200 in the field.
Several people in our group has brought up the topic of what are our future plans after Peace Corps… work, grad school, travel, what? I’ve been asked by several the same question. Though we still have 7 months left before our Peace Corps service is over, I have been thinking a whole lot about this question. And in reality I don’t have anything planned just yet. I just feel that my options are endless. Not only because I’ve served as a Peace Corps volunteer but also the knowledge I’ve gained throughout my service has been extremely valuable and one of kind. As I study my options for post service, I realize I should get a move on my next step. When I least expect it I know I’ll be done with my service and not having something planned is just not my kind of thing. What I do have planned thus far is to travel a bit in South America for a few months and then head back to FL. and spend lots of quality time with my family shopping, eating, and sharing my crazy memorable Peace Corps stories. After being in the states for a while I’m considering two things, getting a job in the states, depending on how the job market is handling it self at the time, and two, moving to Colombia and gaining some more foreign experience in the business field. Of course that’s all still in the air but are things that I’m considering at the moment.
I’m hoping to install internet in my house next year to help me with research and planning for the future. I feel as if I can’t move forward without internet. Though it’s been nice and peaceful not having internet and catching up on some amazing reading, I believe its time I spoil my self and start surfing the web. Luckily they started offering internet in my community a few weeks ago.
Thanksgiving Vacation:
As some of you already know, we as Peace Corps volunteers get a chance to celebrate American Holidays without being charged any vacation time. During Thanksgiving a few Peace Corps volunteers gathered together and cooked as much food as possible. I almost turned out to be a vegetarian Thanksgiving due to the fact that everyone decided to make every kind of salad possible and a few stuffing platters. I made my famous tostones/Patacones (fried plantain patties with tomato sauce topping). Let me just say they were a hit! After eating as much vegetarian food as possible a few volunteers brought some Alpaca meat to grill. Now that’s some good eating!
What next?
Remember last year when I was supposed to get my knee surgery? Well it’s that time a year again. I’ve been scheduled to fly out next week, jan10th, and possibly go under that wed. or thur. I thought I would be in the states for this but it turn out that Panama is where I will be Medivacked. They plan on keeping me there for about a month while I recover. I’ll be getting my cyst removed and getting my meniscus repaired. They say it’s a minor surgery but still a bit frightening for me. So, if anyone is going to be in the Central American region, come on by and pay me a visit!